Change Inventory Icon

  • #1, by saymnThursday, 13. February 2014, 16:46 11 years ago
    Hi guys,
    Can I change the inventory Icon when you go into the field of action with the mouse. And the picture reset again when mouse moves out the action area?

    PS: Sorry for my english wink


    36 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 13. February 2014, 16:55 11 years ago
    what do mean? something like a static icon by default & then maybe play an animation or change to another static image on mouse over?

    unfortunately there is no on mouse over/out actions for items nor active/inactive states - I might ask David or Alex, if they would be willing to sort something out in regards to what I just mentioned, for a future release - but it could be done with a bit of Lua scripting to control which animation frame(s) should be showing/playing in combination with some conditions (maybe) & a mouseEvent listener to determine when the mouse is over an item, which would trigger the change & then reset on mouse out.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by saymnThursday, 13. February 2014, 17:50 11 years ago
    Do you know the adventure game "Edna bricht aus" (Engl: Edna & Harvey - The Breakout)?
    The same like this.


    36 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 13. February 2014, 18:16 11 years ago
    I've only played a bit of the second game: harvey's new eyes, but I just watched a gameplay video of the breakout on youtube so I could see what you were wanting.

    Ok so you meant the inventory slot as opposed to the items themselves. That's easy enough. You could add an animation to the item slot object which you start playing on mouse over & stop on mouse out or you could create 2 objects in same spot & set a condition to the object containing the highlight image which you enable/disable by changing the boolean value of the assigned condition. Or you could even use the: scene > object visibility action part to fade in/out the highlight image as required. There are multiple ways to go about doing what you want.

    Hope this helps?


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by saymnThursday, 13. February 2014, 18:22 11 years ago
    hahaa man you're awesome^^
    Thanks smile

    But.. I can use this only when in te itemslot is a static item, right?
    When the mouse is in the action field is there a color picture. Wehn the mouse is out, i want the same picture in grayscale.


    36 Posts