Change colour of dialogue option already spoken

  • #1, by theokouSunday, 22. April 2018, 23:12 7 years ago

    I'd like to ask if there is a way for a dialogue option to change colour (for example from white to grey) if the players has already chosen that option. Thanks Thodoris!

    (Sorry if the topic was already answered before, I searched and didn't find anything...)


    17 Posts

  • #2, by ke4Monday, 23. April 2018, 10:27 7 years ago
    Currently possible only with custom dialogue system.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #3, by theokouMonday, 23. April 2018, 16:49 7 years ago
    Thanks for the reply.

    Do you know of any example discussed here in the forum? I was thinking if there was a way via LUA to change the font of a character's dialogue if a condition was T or F, so chosen options would appear as a different coloured font... Thanks again!


    17 Posts

  • #4, by ke4Monday, 23. April 2018, 17:07 7 years ago
    Custom dialogue system requires using object's texts as dialogue options and then on clicking them runing action blocks containing all the needed display texts action parts. (Called by other acion)

    You could use drawFont function instead of object's text. There's more ways to achieve this. I would suggest sticking with object's text for now though.

    I believe Sebastian shared his version of custom dialogue system here on forum. Might give you an idea how to create this.

    The changing color part is about setting a font to the object's text. You would also have to use some conditions here to know if dialogue option was clicked before.

    I was thinking if there was a way via LUA to change the font of a character's dialogue if a condition was T or F, so chosen options would appear as a different coloured font
    That's unfortunately not possible.

    Sebastian's thread my seems confusing but the core of the system is not complicated. You just call an action which contains display text action parts for your characters.
    The tricky part is sorting out the interface for the doialogue options. Best way is to create a few slots (objects texts) inside of interface and then puting the needed text in the slots via values.

    Of course you would have to sort out scrolling the options and some other stuff as well.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #5, by theokouMonday, 23. April 2018, 17:23 7 years ago
    Thanks again!

    Do you know if this option is something discussed for any future update in the engine?


    17 Posts

  • #6, by ke4Monday, 23. April 2018, 17:25 7 years ago
    No, not that i know of.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #7, by sebastianMonday, 23. April 2018, 17:32 7 years ago
    im not aware of that someone asked for this feature before...

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #8, by theokouMonday, 23. April 2018, 17:52 7 years ago
    Something in the lines of changing colour of the font or making the font italic. Like an added option for font active, inactive, already chosen would be useful (at least I think...)

    Anyway thanks both for your answers!


    17 Posts

  • #9, by wischnikMonday, 23. April 2018, 18:33 7 years ago
    Something in the lines of changing colour of the font or making the font italic. Like an added option for font active, inactive, already chosen would be useful (at least I think...)

    Anyway thanks both for your answers!

    i like the idea. it could make sense to introduce a third font category next to active and inactive.


    25 Posts