Hi everyone! I'm new to the platform since january. I must say all the solutions I've found in the forum were good enough to keep learning without asking. So a general thanks to all the comunity who shares their problems and solutions here for others to browse.
I'm having two particular problems and can´t get what could be wrong with my configuration.
1-My character's base speed is 350. The thing is that in a particular time of a cutscene i need him to go really fast (falling). If i try to increase the speed with the standard configuration and the built-in command to set speed i can only reach to 1000.
2-If i choose not to use "sliding walk animation" and to set each frame movement, when i try to set speed to 1000 and then back to 350, the movement increases ok, but after that it does not decreases. So, after doing so, my character gets crazy speed all the time.
I would rather fix the second problem, because setting each frame movement makes a much better movement animation. Perhaps someone has been with this problem too and can help me see the mistake.
PS: as you noticed, english is not my native language, sorry if i made your eyes bleed.