Cannot set diagonal alignment / direction of animation

  • #1, by dionousThursday, 30. November 2017, 08:42 7 years ago
    Hi all,

    I have a weird problem with the alignment dial either in an object or in an outfit (i.e. direction of animation): i can't set any diagonals like 45, 135 etc.. when i click nothing happens. I can only set 0,90,180,360.

    Can anyone confirm on latest VS pls (5.0.3 1192)?

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    246 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 30. November 2017, 11:44 7 years ago
    Open up VS & go to the options menu for the editor > settings, then check if precision for direction selection (in º) is set to 45.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by dionousThursday, 30. November 2017, 13:10 7 years ago
    Thanks for the tip! Yeah, the strangest thing happened, it was indeed set to 45 (i had used 45 in my game), but was not working, so i just reset and saved the settings again and worked smile

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  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 30. November 2017, 13:12 7 years ago
    Maybe it got adjusted in the viseditor.cfg file somehow. Strange indeed. At least you managed to sort it out. wink


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