Cannot appear verb coin and interact with character

  • #1, by madisongeronimoSaturday, 03. June 2017, 09:15 7 years ago
    I need help please, I have carefully scanned through the bits of the verb coin and dialogue stuff on the fantasy demo and I STILL cannot bring up the verb coin to interact with my NPC CHARACTER! It's driving me crazy, so I'll go on ahead and share the game so if you can figure out whats wrong please keep me posted. 


    33 Posts

  • #2, by elecSaturday, 03. June 2017, 10:33 7 years ago
    The site says i need to buy premium to download more then 1 file at a time.
    Could you try this site?

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    109 Posts

  • #3, by madisongeronimoSaturday, 03. June 2017, 10:48 7 years ago
    Ok i have changed the download file. sorry about that :{


    33 Posts

  • #4, by elecSaturday, 03. June 2017, 10:55 7 years ago
    Is this VS 4.2.5. or VS5?
    Oh and i saw u asked for more tutorials, here is a good one : (Verb Coin starts around 9minutes)
    Edit2: Im Dumb, sorry. So when i start the game i dont see any cursor at all, is this normal?

    Forum Fan

    109 Posts

  • #5, by madisongeronimoSaturday, 03. June 2017, 11:18 7 years ago
    version is 4.2.5. And the cursor thing, there is supposed to be a cursor but after editing the game many times it suddenly disappears. it's sort of normal i guess? but for now


    33 Posts

  • #6, by esmeraldaSaturday, 03. June 2017, 11:56 7 years ago
    Hi, I just had a look at your project.
    There is no cursor, because you hadn't assigned a cursor to your "walk"-command. You did for your other commands, but not for the "walk".

    The verb coin works fine. You just need an object to interact with. I created an object (a rock) with object area and interaction position.

    And put some actions for your commands in. And everything works.

    If you want to interact with the other character, you have to to tick the "use on objects and characters"-box on your walk command properties

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #7, by madisongeronimoSaturday, 03. June 2017, 12:02 7 years ago
    im gonna cry. THANK YOU. You are beautiful, kind humans! 


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