Camera pan in menus

  • #1, by hallinniklasMonday, 24. February 2014, 20:47 11 years ago

    I noticed there's an action called "Scroll scene to position" which I have gotten to work in scenes where I have a character.

    It doesn't seem to work in menus though. I have both a main menu and an end credits where I had planned on using camera movement, but I can't really get it to work.

    When I start the game the first time the camera doesn't scroll at all, and if I open up the main menu from a scene with a character in it the cameras position in the main menu is based on its position in the last scene.

    Is it possible to move the camera around individually from the character?

    Other possible solutions?


    15 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 24. February 2014, 21:35 11 years ago
    yeah a nice idea would be to create a scene object with the background as an animation & then use Lua script to move the animation... that way you could create static menu buttons as opposed to them moving with the scene.

    to scroll the scene when a character is on it, you can turn off center scene to x character via: scene > center scene on character permanently: select character & tick clear centering box. this stops forcing camera to characters position. it is also possible to scroll scene position with the mouse by going to a scenes properties tab & ticking the "scroll scene if cursor is at screen edge" box. or by using the: scene > scroll scene to position or scroll scene to object (centered) action parts etc...

    the end credits would be better done with lua or the jump to x action part, to slide the credits rather than using a massive background.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by hallinniklasMonday, 24. February 2014, 21:51 11 years ago
    Hey, thanks for the reply.

    What I have in mind is something like what they have done with the main menu in the Banner Saga.
    (The effect I am referring to occurs at 1:17)

    Apart from buttons and logos and stuff they also have a whole illustration with several paralleling background layers. I am having a blast with the paralleling backgrounds system in Visionaire, but the scroll factor of an object really only has any effect if the camera moves.

    I am getting it all to work if I have a Scene, but my menu is currently a Menu. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, except interfaces such as inventories are automatically hidden in Menus. Maybe I should try to recreate my main menu as a Scene instead...


    15 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 24. February 2014, 23:59 11 years ago
    so you just want it to scroll in once from one side on initial menu showing? each time menu is opened? or move constantly,side to side or something else?

    if I get some spare time the morrow, I may look into it. I mean create a test project myself.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by hallinniklasTuesday, 25. February 2014, 00:12 11 years ago
    I guess pan from one side to the other every time the menu is showing.

    I got it to work by making a Scene instead, and using the Scroll scene to position in the Beginning of scene event, but it didn't look very good. The effect in the main menu would have been very subtle anyway and the camera speed was too fast.

    I am still planning my win screen/end credit though, which will be more epic.
    My idea now is to make it a Scene and manually hide all interfaces and characters. And I assume I will find a way to change the camera scroll speed. Maybe to make it go really slow, or even find a way to make the speed not constant, but accelerating and de-accelerating a bit.

    These are just my specific and current scenarios though, and it could be cool to figure out good ways to handle camera movements and "cinematics" in Visionarie anyway.

    Thank you for all your help.


    15 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeTuesday, 25. February 2014, 01:34 11 years ago
    David, one of the vs devs was talking to me about possibly adding some extra camera controls into a future version of VS (one after upcoming release probably) which would allow us to control camera on the x, y & z axis, to create a bit of dynamic movement in our games. It would allow us to control camera (vs only has one camera) left, right, up, down & zoom in/out. I'd really like to see this feature implemented myself as it would really allow us to get a bit more creative & add some extra life to our games.

    check out the early gameplay video of Whispered World 2, to see what it would allow us to do more or less. Look at how the camera dynamically moves around the screen. That particular game is being made with the unity engine, but whatever.

    -- * --

    In regards to controlling scroll speed: you can use a single line of Lua script to adjust the speed.
    -- value = pixels per second, smaller value = slower scroll.
    game:setValue(VGameScrollSpeed, 300) -- edit value to suit


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