Calling "immediate action" while standing at character position of objects

  • #1, by DrGonzoSunday, 26. March 2017, 15:25 8 years ago
    Hi there,
    I'm experiencing some kind of trouble with firing immediate actions such as immediate right clicks while standing at the character position of objects. I have the option "align character on immediate execution" within the cog settings checked. Further I'm making use of the simple command control. I want the character to be able to align to an object while standing anywhere within the scene to examine the object. Works fine so far. But while standing at the set character position of an object I'm not able to examine it from there. Seems like it's an overall problem firing immediate actions. To say it in advance - no, there isn't any Lua or script left which causes confusion to the engine.. Has any one experienced the same behaviour? Alternately I tried disabling "align character on immediate execution" and use an align character to object action within right click, but it'll do the very same thing, workin anywhere except standing at final position of an object..


    21 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianMonday, 27. March 2017, 08:46 8 years ago
    thats weird... 
    so to nake it clear : it works flawlessly until the character stands on the same position as the object destination? 

    how is your right click action in the mouse settings set? Im sure you can also set what to do when firing a mouse action (go to, do nothing, etc) . 

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    2346 Posts

  • #3, by DrGonzoMonday, 27. March 2017, 09:01 8 years ago
    It is weird indeed. Nothing special going on here,
    it definitely has something to do with aligning the character while standing at the object destination, since everything takes action when removing the aligning action.


    21 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 27. March 2017, 11:34 8 years ago
    thats weird... 
    so to nake it clear : it works flawlessly until the character stands on the same position as the object destination? 

    how is your right click action in the mouse settings set? Im sure you can also set what to do when firing a mouse action (go to, do nothing, etc) . 
    hah! You just reminded me that I also toggle the state of right click with Lua script between character not walking on right click unless the character right clicks on an object. As I told @DrGonzo here in a recent PM, I prefer to have my character walk to a position to examine objects rather than use immediate actions/commands & auto-align because the auto-align rarely works very well due to the alignment being based on the object interaction position & the characters position, so half of the time the character ends up looking in the wrong direction.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by DrGonzoMonday, 27. March 2017, 13:05 8 years ago
    It really seems like a bug.
    I revoke saying that all immediate actions aren't fired while standing at the object position. Calling an immediate right click action while standing anywhere works. Choosing another immediate command than right click, let's say middle click, while standing at object position works as well. But not both right clicks at a time...makes no sense to me though.


    21 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 27. March 2017, 13:50 8 years ago
    hmm... you have a right click executed & immediate right click action inside of the same scene object?

    Ah wait, you are talking about the right click action in mouse properties tab & a right click action in a scene object? For right click actions I wrap them in an if query...

    if current command is "left_click"
     actions I want to trigger
    end if

    I use this so it only triggers right click actions if my default command is set otherwise it gets cleared by the action in my right click action under mouse properties.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by DrGonzoMonday, 27. March 2017, 14:02 8 years ago
    No, sorry for the confusion on this one.
    I just tried to fire an action while standing at an object position, and since I'm using immediate right click to take action anywhere I just tried another command and it worked! I'm talking about the actions in a scene object. My right click properties set in the mouse properties tab can be viewed on the screenshot I posted before. I haven't changed that since then.

    I have always wrapped the if query to check if left_click is current command. Both, within the mouse properties AND within the immediate right click action of an object.


    21 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeMonday, 27. March 2017, 14:23 8 years ago
    Question: in the mouse properties tab is the option to allow set character destination on right click enabled? Also out of curiosity do you have an alignment specified on the compass section under the scene objects properties tab?

    It could be confusing the engine because you are already at the interaction position & an alignment is already specified & the engine isn't given enough time to decide if immediate action should be triggered or if the execution at destination action should be triggered instead.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by DrGonzoMonday, 27. March 2017, 14:33 8 years ago
    These are my current settings:


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