Call characther size/scale

  • #1, by RadicaaTuesday, 20. January 2015, 07:33 10 years ago
    So I might be missing something really simple here, but I can't find the action to call the characther scale after a scene. I mean, after switching from a scene, I need to make the characther smaller as the viewpoint is farther away than the scene prior. If there's an action for it, then I just haven't drank enough coffee yet. If not, Lua Script? I figured I could copy paste the same characther and change the scale on the other one, but I figured there has to be some way to just call the scale value.


    25 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaTuesday, 20. January 2015, 09:45 10 years ago
    Not quite sure if that is what you mean: You can set the scale of your character by using the way-stystem for each scene. There is a pretty good video-tutorial by redspark on this matter.

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #3, by RadicaaTuesday, 20. January 2015, 10:32 10 years ago
    Actually I tried that too. But it seems that I only am able to make characther larger and not smaller by using the scale meter in the waypoints window. I think this is because I already scaled the characthers really small from the Characther properties tab (due to prototyping art reasons). So this probably will get fixed when my artist actually finishes the real size of the characthers and environment. So I assume that scaling the characther by other means is impossible? For example -> Characther drinks potion -> 500% Scale size?


    25 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 20. January 2015, 12:09 10 years ago
    Well... you can disable way system dependent scaling of a character at any time & also set custom scale value.

    I don't understand what you have done here. The way system allows you to define scale value from 0 to 200%.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by esmeraldaTuesday, 20. January 2015, 14:43 10 years ago
    I dont't know if this has been fixed in the new version, but in version 3.7 the preview of the character in the way system was not displaying the correct size, if you changed the scale of the character in the properties tab. In the game everthing was ok, though. Did you try scaling via the way system and run the game?

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #6, by RadicaaTuesday, 20. January 2015, 20:30 10 years ago
    Ok I have to try that. What I did earlier was that I made the characther smaller from the charachter properties tab to make him more according to the scale of the scene. But then in the next scene the characther was still way too big, but there was no way to make him smaller yet again. I know that the problem is per se because I'm using SNES sprites to prototype. I just wanted to know if there was some way to call the characther scale size value in the Characther Properties tab; that way the size of the outfit/characther could be chosen at will, rather than by waypoints, mainly because I was unable to scale him smaller in the waypoints window.


    25 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeTuesday, 20. January 2015, 21:35 10 years ago
    The way points are the best way of controlling the scale of the character. The scale character checkbox in the characters properties tab needs to be ticked in order for the character to be scaled by the way system. The scale factor should also be set to 100.


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