Call Action & Wait

  • #1, by darren-beckettTuesday, 30. June 2015, 17:08 9 years ago
    Is there a way to call an action from within another action and wait for it to finish before continuing?

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    384 Posts

  • #2, by darren-beckettThursday, 02. July 2015, 18:01 9 years ago
    Does silence mean no?

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  • #3, by ke4Thursday, 02. July 2015, 18:24 9 years ago
    I don't know, but could you call the next action from the end of the action you need to have finnished?

    Key Killer

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  • #4, by darren-beckettFriday, 03. July 2015, 12:34 9 years ago
    I was hoping to use actions as if they were self contained functions/methods and can be shared and called from other controlling actions.

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  • #5, by afrlmeFriday, 03. July 2015, 13:01 9 years ago
    I've created a thread for it on the dev bug tracker. I think it would be nice if there was an option (in call action) or an action part for determining if the list of actions should wait until x action is finished before continuing through the action list. I can see it being quite useful for various reasons.

    @ Ke4: although the method you mentioned would work, it lacks global access, as you would be limiting each block by manually calling the next block at the end. Or you would have to potentially create loads of if queries at the end to determine which action block it should call next.


    7283 Posts

  • #6, by darren-beckettFriday, 03. July 2015, 17:07 9 years ago
    It would be ideal for an 'Wait for action to complete' checkbox to be implemented.

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    384 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeFriday, 03. July 2015, 17:59 9 years ago
    Indeed or a general wait until action has finished action part in which you can link to an action, that way you could link to various different types of actions & not just the current action. You might for example want to wait until the actions from an at begin of scene action has finished or maybe until the left click or right click action of an object or character has finished. etc. etc.

    But sure, I think both methods / options would be useful.


    7283 Posts

  • #8, by sebastianFriday, 03. July 2015, 18:02 9 years ago
    that would be great if this can be implemented

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