Building a Free Library of Images for Everyone

  • #1, by EricMatyasWednesday, 18. January 2017, 14:09 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    I've been building a library of images that you are welcome to freely use in your projects. They are all original...all my own work. I think a lot of them could be made into cool textures for games.  All I ask is to be attributed as indicated on my homepage:

    The images are on my "TXR" pages.  

    I'm adding new ones all the time, so be sure to check back often. I sincerely hope that some of them are useful. Any and all constructive feedback is welcome and always appreciated.  :-)

    All the best,


    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #2, by EricMatyasTuesday, 24. January 2017, 13:08 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    I photographed a lot of cool textures last week that I'm sure could be used in all kinds of things. You'll find them here:

    Again, if anyone has requests for certain types of images, I'll be happy to keep my eyes open for them. Just let me know. :-)

    Have a good week,


    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #3, by Simon_ASATuesday, 24. January 2017, 15:13 8 years ago
    Great, thanks a lot Eric!
    I don't know if I'll use them, but it's very useful to have access to sounds and textures. I wish that your site becomes a success. Good luck!

    Great Poster

    321 Posts

  • #4, by EricMatyasWednesday, 01. February 2017, 07:29 8 years ago
    Great, thanks a lot Eric!
    I don't know if I'll use them, but it's very useful to have access to sounds and textures. I wish that your site becomes a success. Good luck!

    Thank you so much...I really appreciate it!

    A whole bunch of new seamless texture images are ready for everyone on the following pages:

    TXR - Brick
    TXR - Concrete/Pavement
    TXR - Foliage
    TXR - Ground
    TXR - Stone
    TXR - Wood

    Feel free to generate maps from them (displacement, specular, etc) as needed. If you need me to create them custom for you, drop me an email...(my email address is at the bottom of my homepage.)

    I hope some of them are helpful!


    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #5, by EricMatyasWednesday, 08. February 2017, 16:48 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    I've opened a new page of free sky images that might come in handy in your projects:

    I also added a bunch of new wood images here:

    I hope some of them are helpful!

    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #6, by EricMatyasWednesday, 15. February 2017, 15:04 8 years ago
    This week's new free images are on my TXR - WOOD page. At the top, I've added a bunch of smooth wood images that might come in handy for interiors. Some have dents and other signs of wear.

    If you scroll down (way down) to Seamless Textures, you'll find about 20 "fantasy wood" images...(I'm experimenting with creating different looks.)  

    Anyhow, they all live here:

    I hope some of them are helpful!

    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #7, by F_KalThursday, 16. February 2017, 21:47 8 years ago
    Eric, you are spoiling us! First your amazing music, and now these textures! You and VS are making it difficult for us not to make some worthy game!

    Jokes aside, thank you! It's very much appreciated!!!

    PS. listening to your music as I'm writing this message; I find it very inspiring for adventure-making related studying ;-)

    Forum Fan

    107 Posts

  • #8, by EricMatyasTuesday, 21. February 2017, 14:04 8 years ago
    Eric, you are spoiling us! First your amazing music, and now these textures! You and VS are making it difficult for us not to make some worthy game!

    Jokes aside, thank you! It's very much appreciated!!!

    PS. listening to your music as I'm writing this message; I find it very inspiring for adventure-making related studying ;-)

    Awesome...I hope that some of my images are helpful!  smile

    Speaking of which...

    I've added about 100 new texture images. You'll find them on the following pages:

    TXR - BRICK - (some new seamless "fantasy" bricks)

    TXR - GROUND - (stones that could be used for riverbeds, railroad beds, etc.)

    TXR - METAL - (both standard and seamless)

    TXR - ROCK/STONE - (lots of cool rock textures, both standard and seamless...realistic as well as fantasy creations)

    TXR - VEGETATION - (some cool ground cover that has a surreal look)


    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #9, by EricMatyasWednesday, 08. March 2017, 01:27 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    I just began a new page of cool Sci-Fi texture images. Give it a look:

    I'll be adding many more images, including skins for creatures, aliens, etc.

    Any requests?  

    Btw, I've also had folks ask about how to credit me for my images. Please simply list me and my website under "Textures" in your credits section...there's no need to identify which images are mine...unless you really want to.  :-)

    Anyhow, I think this is going to evolve into a really cool page. Hope it's helpful!


    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #10, by EricMatyasSunday, 19. March 2017, 23:42 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    A bunch of cool new stone images are ready. You'll find them here:

    I hope some of them are helpful!

    Key Killer

    623 Posts

  • #11, by sebastianMonday, 20. March 2017, 07:45 8 years ago
    great new textures smile 

    when i use auch textures, i mostly am in the need of repeatable patterns. So more of these would be great

    Thread Captain

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