
  • #1, by GreenLightDevelopmentTuesday, 05. August 2014, 15:47 11 years ago
    Wie wär's mit einem BugTracker (z.B. MantisBT -> https://www.mantisbt.org/ ), für Bugreports? Das würde dem DevTeam und auch den Nutzern (Testern) die Möglichkeit geben, saubere Reports zu senden/bearbeiten. Das würde dem ganzen Bug-Melde-Wirrwarr ein Ende machen ;-) Ich nutze z.B. MTB bei zwei anderen Projekten und es ist eine wahre Freunde, damit zu arbeiten. Klare Strukturen, einfach zu bedienen (für Endnutzer und Admin).

    Give it a try!

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    139 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 05. August 2014, 16:36 11 years ago
    We actually have a bug tracker but it doesn't get used very much & it is not public. Only the VS team has access to it.

    Alex said he doesn't like using them because they quickly sap away his motivation. As for Simon & David, I don't know. Currently we are using wunderlist to create a list of bugs & ideas even though we have a proper bug tracker cms on the wiki server.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianTuesday, 16. June 2015, 15:46 10 years ago
    is this still the case?
    How can i report bugs efficiently and what infos are needed?

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 16. June 2015, 16:21 10 years ago
    No, we are using the bug tracker again. I believe if VS crashes it's supposed to open up a debug dialog which allows you to send an error report which contains some dmp files & your message to the bug tracker.

    As for general bugs. Just post about them in the bug section on here. Provide information about your computer, OS & whatever the issue is. Screenshots or videos would also probably help if possible.

    The thing is that Alex won't use the bug tracker for whatever reason, even though David & Simon do, but it's mostly used by us to write down new features, ideas & milestones.


    7285 Posts