Bugfix Update

  • #1, by SimonSMonday, 04. February 2019, 23:52 6 years ago
    Hi guys, just released a small bugfix update.

    - html5 now uses webassembly (faster) and fades work correctly
    - fixed: cursor only in the left upper quarter on older Macs (using OpenGL)
    - fixed: character is sometimes not aligned correctly when skipping cutscene
    - fixed: crash in dialog part picker
    - fixed: walking with arrow keys not working correctly
    - fixed: unlikely crash in compiled game
    - fixed: wrong character interaction area with spine
    - fixed: cursor workspace not resizable
    - fixed: align character not working while talking
    - added color for begin/end of cutscene

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #2, by blablo_101Tuesday, 05. February 2019, 10:09 6 years ago
    Hi SimonS, when I do a Switch to scene (Inmediately show scene) infinite playing sounds/loops stops. Now its not posible change the background music loop seamlessly.

    Here ´s an example from AFRLme that worked well in VS 5.0.7 It is the method that I am using.

    The file is from this post:
    Seamlessly changing background music loops

    By the way, Spine character interaction areas works perfect now!


    70 Posts

  • #3, by blablo_101Wednesday, 06. February 2019, 11:31 6 years ago
    This is a simplified test that works in 5.0.7



    70 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSFriday, 15. February 2019, 22:42 6 years ago
    And the next bugfix update:

    - fade doesn't work with menus
    - animation missing after turn
    - direction is not set with some actionparts
    - interface cannot be moved during cutscene
    - export spine files
    - zoom affects spine now
    - audiobus settings were not updated in nested containers
    - add comment action part

    And here is the example on how to use the sound system for crossfading: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dv2e3vggd8r6grw/bgm_sync.zip?dl=0

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #5, by doroboMonday, 18. February 2019, 20:58 6 years ago
    I still got that weird vertical scrolling but I hope that in the works or I figure it out myself smile


    46 Posts

  • #6, by blablo_101Tuesday, 19. February 2019, 11:07 6 years ago
    I'm gona log here the small issues I have been founding with VS-JSON animations:

    1. The JSON characters are not affected by the lightmap

    2. All the JSON animations (characters & Objects) have a weird extra frame at the end. If my animation had 20 frames, when the file is exported VS import 21 frames.
      This extra frame is a clon of the first frame of my animation. 


    70 Posts