Box 2d , controllers , in-app

  • #1, by TinTinSaturday, 25. February 2017, 08:57 8 years ago

    Some questions :

    1 )  Is it possible add box 2d to player and make gravity ? I want make an easy platformer  into the game .  Simon said box2d is in VS5 but not finish yet .

    2) Player control in some scenes is only with keyboard . How can I integrate it with left and right shapes in screen and also shooting too ? I want use it for mobile ports

    3) Is it possible add in-app purchase feature for markets ?


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  • #2, by marvelSaturday, 25. February 2017, 18:23 8 years ago
    Simon is already busy with the integration of box2D. But it's a HUGE and complicated thing to do. 

    Key Killer

    598 Posts

  • #3, by TinTinSunday, 26. February 2017, 15:15 8 years ago
    Brilliant !!! . I can't waiting .
    Thanks so much for your hard works VS team.

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