Blog - nur 2 Kommentare werden angezeigt

  • #1, by crankschenkTuesday, 06. November 2018, 22:44 6 years ago
    Ich kann leider immer nur 2 Kommentare sehen, egal bei welchem Beitrag.


    100 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSTuesday, 06. November 2018, 23:09 6 years ago
    Sind hier 4?

    Es werden die Zahlen leider aktuell immer größer angezeigt als sie sind, weil wir viele Spammer haben.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeWednesday, 07. November 2018, 13:12 6 years ago
    Aye spammers are the reason. We delete them from the articles. It shows the correct amount of comments in the article, but for some reason it's showing the total amount of comments that have been made, on the blog block thing above the forum.

    Simon, can you not change the field it displays on the block to use the same data as in the blog itself so that it displays the actual amount of comments?


    7285 Posts