Bitte um Hilfe für mein Adventure

  • #1, by EpicMonkeyWednesday, 14. August 2013, 11:34 12 years ago
    Liebe Community,

    Ich habe folgendes Problem und hoffe ihr könnt mir da rasch weiterhelfen. Gestern habe ich mir Visionaire Studio zugelegt und mal hineingeschnuppert und bin einfach begeistert. Da meine Interesse und Begabung bis hierhin nur der Illustration und des Schreibens galt, habe ich nicht all zu viel Ahnung vom programmieren. Klar, hier und da sind Kenntnisse vorhanden, aber nichts nennenswertes. Doch es hat mich einfach so sehr gefixt, dass ich definitiv tiefer eintauchen möchte.

    Aber jetzt zu meinen Problem:
    Ich möchte ein etwas aufwendiger gestaltendes Adventure gestalten, wobei ich auf flüssige Animationen nicht verzichten möchte. Ist es möglich in Flash animierte Charakteren in Visionaire einzubauen. Ich weiß ich könnte rein theoretisch für die Kulisse eine Avi-Datei erstellen und diese einfügen, aber gilt das auch für den Protagonisten?

    Danke schon mal im Voraus smile

    Ps.: Besteht dann auch die Möglichkeit 2.5d Animationen zu importieren?


    3 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. August 2013, 18:12 12 years ago
    2.5D is currently in development but I'm not sure if it will be ready for the next version of Visionaire Studio or possibly the one afterwards.

    videos can't be used as backgrounds.
    when you play a video it plays over the top.

    Visionaire Studio currently - well at least until 2.5D support has been integrated - works with frame by frame animation, which means you will have to export your animations from your 3D/animation program or whatever you are using as frame by frame .png files in which you can load them up into Visionaire Studio & set pause/delay rates for an entire animation or for individual frames as well as assign actions to individual frames too or after an animation has finished playing.

    David has mentioned to me about the possibility of adding support for the 2D skeleton animation tool Spriter at some point in the future.

    P.S: Sorry, I don't speak much German.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by EpicMonkeyWednesday, 14. August 2013, 18:21 12 years ago
    Thank you.
    I thought it is possible, because animation like in "Deponia" or "The Night of the Rebbit" looks very smooth.


    3 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. August 2013, 20:57 12 years ago
    no, they draw each animation frame by frame or as I've been told (if I remember correctly) for more recent games like Deponia, Chains of Satinav etc, that they create 3D characters & export each frame of the animation out & then import them into Visionaire Studio.

    You can import entire animations (grouped) into Visionaire Studio by using prefix numbers; for example:

    character1_w_0, character1_w_1, character1_w_2 ...
    character1_n_0, character1_n_1, character1_w_2 ...

    If you do a group animation import, then it will automatically load in all animations of the same name & order them by their prefix number. this is really useful for saving time - as opposed to importing each frame of an animation in 1 at a time!


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by EpicMonkeyThursday, 15. August 2013, 09:25 12 years ago
    Ah okay i understand. So i can create a 3D or 2.5D animation in Flash and export the animation frame by frame as png.

    Thank you AFRL you are a really cool dude^^.


    3 Posts

  • #6, by nuncioWednesday, 28. August 2013, 09:49 12 years ago
    yes he is grin

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