There may be some new camera options in the work for an upcoming version of Visionaire Studio. I have no confirmation on if, or when.
Yes it is possible to have parallax scrolling. Create a scene object, add an image/animation & then go to the
Effects tab & adjust the
Scroll factor X &
Scroll factor Y values to make the objects scroll slower or faster than the background.
You can adjust the scroll speed in the main game tab or via lua script...
game:setValue(VGameScrollSpeed, 300) -- scroll by 300 pixels a second
It is also possible to adjust the distance (in pixels) from the edge of the screen (vertical & horizontal) before scene scroll will be triggered.
game:setValue(VGameHorizontalScrollDistance, 50) -- scroll on X axis when character is 50 pixels or less from scene edge
game:setValue(VGameVerticalScrollDistance, 50) -- scroll on Y axis when character is 50 pixels or less from scene edge
Final tip: it is also possible to center scene scroll to current character or a specified character...
game:setValue(VGameScrollCenterCharacter, true) -- center scene based on character position
-- example 1: current character
game:setValue( VGameScrollCharacter, getObject("Game.GameCurrentCharacter") )
-- example 2: a specified character
game:setValue( VGameScrollCharacter, getObject("Characters[protagonist]") )
Quick note: in example 2 the characters name is case sensitive, as are all table names.