I was hoping someone can help me.
My character starts a scene tied to a chair, complete with an outfit which is the sitting animation, and the talking animations whilst sat down. I even have some custom animations for reaching other objects close to the character, like leaning on the chair
I need to make sure the player can't move the character anywhere until they have managed to escape the ropes. I've tried setting no way system, setting a tiny way system in the corner with the character start outside it, but every time I get the same issue. the player can click anywhere in the scene and the seated character just slides across the scene to the place clicked. Ive tried character speed zero, and even creating a "click catching" object across the whole scene with a stop character action on it. This kinda worked but left my cursor constantly active.
I'm sure there must be a "disable all movements" but i thought that's what a blank way system was for?
I've contemplated hiding the character and setting all of the animations as object animations instead whilst you try to escape then swap back out to character once you're free, but this seems like overkill for what i imagine is very simple problem to solve.
Any help is much appreciated.