Best way to create credits?

  • #1, by dionousTuesday, 28. March 2017, 22:09 8 years ago
    Hello to all,

    What would be the best way to create credits as far as you know? I have searched the forum abit, but there is no definite guide.

    I guess you need create some text objects, position them out of the screen and move them (Lua or Vis?). I saw some suggestions abt moving animations and not objects, but would appreciate some more clarifications on that, thanks!

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  • #2, by sebastianTuesday, 28. March 2017, 22:16 8 years ago
    because you cant move texts directly and also the objects dont move with it, i would suggest to create an interface, show the credits as an object text of a button in the interface and then move the interface via lua. to have a scrolling text. 

    alternatively you could just throw your text into an image and display it as an animation. 

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  • #3, by elecThursday, 30. March 2017, 16:16 8 years ago
    Why not just with a Movie?

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  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 30. March 2017, 17:04 8 years ago
    Why not just with a Movie?
    I also think movie would be the simplest solution. Though it's possible to slide/offset interfaces, scene objects & animations. They however won't look as smooth as a movie.

    I believe it would be possible to scroll text too, but I believe it would be a lot more work than movie or other methods previously mentioned.


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  • #5, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 31. March 2017, 00:49 8 years ago
    I think the best way is to make a video and link to credits button on menu. I did it like that for my game and got very good responses from the players

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  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 31. March 2017, 01:43 8 years ago
    I think the best way is to make a video and link to credits button on menu. I did it like that for my game and got very good responses from the players
    Aye.. also good thing about video is that it can be paused with spacebar, so if anyone has their name mentioned in credits of the game then they can pause it & boast about it like egotistical maniacs or take screenshots galore as proof! wink


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  • #7, by sebastianFriday, 31. March 2017, 12:34 8 years ago
    for me its much easier to have them editable in the editor to add/remove/rearrange entries down the road and have the best flexibility. With a video its harder because you have to rerender the whole video again. 

    But it depends also a bit on what to show during the credits scroll through the screen..

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  • #8, by afrlmeFriday, 31. March 2017, 14:33 8 years ago
    for me its much easier to have them editable in the editor to add/remove/rearrange entries down the road and have the best flexibility. With a video its harder because you have to rerender the whole video again. 

    But it depends also a bit on what to show during the credits scroll through the screen..
    & the size of the credits. VS might not like it if the image is too large, so you might have to split that into chunks, which you then have to offset & move at same time. Though if you script it well enough you could even have them hidden/disabled until previous chunk gets to certain position on the scene.


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  • #9, by dionousFriday, 31. March 2017, 15:22 8 years ago
    Well yes, video is an option indeed. However, the concern here (apart from the lack of flexibility) is whether we are adding unessecary data load with videos (in terms of MBs - thinking always the mobile game). It is strange that there is no any other quick/easy way to do credits in VS!

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  • #10, by afrlmeFriday, 31. March 2017, 17:56 8 years ago
    Well yes, video is an option indeed. However, the concern here (apart from the lack of flexibility) is whether we are adding unessecary data load with videos (in terms of MBs - thinking always the mobile game). It is strange that there is no any other quick/easy way to do credits in VS!
    What easy fix is available in other game engines? It's not exactly hard to add an image/animation, position it so it's under the scene & then make it scroll to another position over x time. You can literally sort it out with a single line of Lua script.

    Animation method...
    ActiveAnimations[example]:to(60000, {AnimationCurrentPosition = {x = 0, y = -10000}}) -- scroll animation example to -10000px over 60000ms (60 seconds)

    Hell you don't even need to use Lua script for object offset with a static image... just use the move object to action part found under scenes in the action part list.

    You just have to take into consideration that VS doesn't like extremely large images. So if the height of your credits is over say 3000px or 5000px or whatever it is that VS doesn't like then you will have to chop that image up in whatever image editing program you use.


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  • #11, by dionousSunday, 23. July 2017, 23:46 8 years ago
    Hi all,
    Is there any way to cancel/stop a Move Object Action Part?

    Because currently, let's say we have some credits rolling and we change scene before the credits reach their final destination. Then, when we revisit the credits scene after a short while the credits will be still moving, because in the background VS has never stopped them moving, so we need to cancel the move action part somehow if the user wants to end the display of credits earlier.

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