Hi Ian,
Congrats on your Demo and thank you for sharing it.
I like the graphics and the general feel of the game, nice work. I still havn't made it out of the first scene yet, but will give it another go later, I'm probably just missing something
If you don't mind I got a couple of suggestions:
- I would recommend adding "Volume control" at the main menu or in the settings. To avoid having to go to desktop to change the volume.
- Inside the save/load menu, maybe remove the "Exit" option? it could be just me but when I clicked on it I assumed it will take me a step back to the main menu but instead it exited the game to desktop.
Maybe have a "Back" or "Main Menu" button instead and make the "resume" button show up only if you are coming from the game if you know what I mean.
Possible bug? Every time I examine/look at the hallway door it doesn't go pass the sentence he says, I can't skip it or exit the game from that point, it just gets stuck. I had to use the Windows key to exit to desktop. I tried it few times, same result.
And since I didn't save the game nor exited from the main menu, my progress was lost. When/how often the game initate the autosave?
It's not much but hope you find this feedback useful.
Best of luck with the rest of the game, look forward to see more.