Are you able to change the icon for the visionaire player?

  • #1, by madisongeronimoThursday, 03. August 2017, 00:32 7 years ago
    Can you change the play button icon into a custom ico for the game? And instead of visionaire player have it say "Adventure game" Or whatever the name of the game is called.


    33 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 03. August 2017, 00:38 7 years ago
    Yes. VS5 export has option for including custom icon. Having said that, there's apps floating around on the internet, such as ResourceHacker (I think that was the name - don't hold me 100% on that) that also allow you to edit the metadata & replace the icon for any application.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by mikael32225Thursday, 03. August 2017, 11:36 7 years ago
    Is there no way to do this in earlier versions? That seems like a pretty big downside when trying to present and sell a professional looking game. I mean what about Deadalic and such success stories, pretty sure they have custom icons and names.


    42 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSThursday, 03. August 2017, 11:45 7 years ago
    As AFRLme said, via ResHacker. But if you have a V4 license, V5 is included in that. And nobody should use V3 anymore. Daedalic got customized builds from us.

    Thread Captain

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  • #5, by mikael32225Thursday, 03. August 2017, 12:29 7 years ago
    All right, guess I better switch to V5 then. Thanks!


    42 Posts