Arabic font not selectable in game

  • #1, by mabuzidanSaturday, 31. January 2015, 19:25 10 years ago
    i want to make my game in arabic
    i found a free Arabic font from SIL
    However it required some modification in order to be displayed correctly in visionaire, i called the modified font "Arabi"
    The problem with Arabic font is that each letter may have up to 4 forms depending on its position within the word, visionaire does two things when displaying the arabic text:
    1. it reverses the order of the characters,
    2. and it only displays the isolated form of each character.

    I therefore had to use another program that reverses the order of the characters WHILE retaining the shape of each letter. The text had to be written in the "Arabic Presentation Form-B symbols" subset and not the "Arabic" font subset.

    the text now displays perfectly but it cannot be selected in the dialog part.
    when i click on the font, the game does nothing!
    the text also does not change color when an "inactive" dialogue selected font is set
    if an english text dialogue part is included below or above an arabic text dialog part, ONLY the english one gets selected and may change color, but it moves up a few pixels when active
    if arabic text is mixed with english text in one dialogue part, the whole thing cannot be selected.

    is there any way to fix this problem?

    thank you


    3 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSSaturday, 31. January 2015, 20:49 10 years ago
    Hi, could you send me a ved containing the problem ? Then I can fix it, because I'm not to keen about RTL-language and combined glyphs. Also there might be support in freetype for OpenType, need to read a bit more about it.

    Thread Captain

    1581 Posts

  • #3, by mabuzidanSunday, 01. February 2015, 09:35 10 years ago
    thank you for your quick reply
    i don't mind sending you the whole thing as this is only a test game, its only 2MB rar
    right click on the left window to test dialogue parts in game
    the first four lines use the Arabic Presentation form-B symbols
    the modified font file "ArabiReg" is inside the game folder

    can this problem be solved using a lua script? perhaps even an update?
    or must each ved file be changed manually?


    3 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSSunday, 01. February 2015, 23:04 10 years ago
    Okay, I got the problem. Will be in the next build, that will - I hope - come soon, as we have some big bugs at the time.

    I tested a bit with bidirectional UTF8 and have not found a working solution yet, I keep you posted.

    Thread Captain

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