Any idea on how to solve this waypoint problem?

  • #1, by dos4gwFriday, 15. April 2016, 07:08 9 years ago
    I've included a drawing of the problem I've always had with waypoints. It seems as though having an isolated, island-like barrier such as a table or a couch in the middle of a room is just asking for problems. As far as I know (and have tried) you cannot connect waypoints in a loop. Even if you place one end point directly on another, a character will always chose the waypoint path nearest to them without regard to how near the target destination is.

    This leads to awkward situations, as seen in the image. Regardless of where the object lies within the room, characters will always go for the waypoint that's closest to them and follow it, even if there is a shorter route available. In the image, the character would move counter clockwise to reach the object, even though the shortest way would be clockwise.

    I've all but conceded that nothing can be done about this problem, but I thought I'd reach out to the community to see if anyone had some ideas. It could also be possible that I'm handling waypoints incorrectly, which I'd love to hear. smile

    Any thoughts?


    69 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianFriday, 15. April 2016, 08:32 9 years ago
    To connect waypoint a with b, select a with left click and b with right click

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  • #3, by dos4gwFriday, 15. April 2016, 14:12 9 years ago
    Wow! No idea you could do that. I tried it and it worked! Thank you so much grin


    69 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 15. April 2016, 15:31 9 years ago
    haha... something I didn't know about or most likely forgot about. Well either way, cheers for teaching me something new or reminding me about something I forgot all about. wink


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  • #5, by sebastianFriday, 15. April 2016, 18:07 9 years ago

    Thread Captain

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