
  • #1, by SpellbreakerTuesday, 03. March 2015, 20:04 10 years ago
    Hey there,

    first problem: I can't choose "german" when posting a new Forum entry.

    I have a general Question about Animations. I inserted an Object into a Scene and added an Animation. Now the Animation is always played at postiion 0,0 of the Scene, no matter where the actual Objectpicture is. So I have to move every single Frame of the Animation by Hand to the desired position.

    Is there any easier solution to solve that, without editing the .VED File by hand?




    ich habe mal eine Grundlegende Frage zum Thema Animationen. Ich habe ein Kulissenobjekt eingefügt an eine bestimmte stelle der Kulisse. Wenn ich jetzt eine Animation hinzufüge, wird die immer oben links in der Ecke angezeigt, ich muss also jeden Frame einzeln per Hand an die richtige stelle Schieben.

    Gibs einen einfacheren Weg, vom Editieren der .ved Datei mal abgesehen?

    Desweiteren würde mich mal interessieren obs irgendwo eine halbwegs fertige Doku zu Visionaire gibt...alles was ich hier über die Website finde ist entweder Leer oder führt zu Dead links roll




    5 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 03. March 2015, 22:39 10 years ago
    Hmm? The animation should be wherever you position it. Did you click the place images and animations button, which allows you to reposition the objects sprite or any animations associated with the currently selected scene object?

    You can of course use Lua script to reposition your animations too. Edit the first frame of your animation & create an execute a script action part & add this to it...
    ActiveAnimations["animation_name"].AnimationCurrentPosition = {x = 500, y = 500}

    ...replace animation_name with the actual name of the animation & adjust the x & y values as needed. This line of code will essentially reposition the animation to the specified coordinates each time the first loop is triggered. You could of course add this to an at begin of scene action, but you should only do that for animations that are set to play on scene load (animations defined in the properties tab of an object) as ActiveAnimations are animations that are currently playing or that have been preloaded. Trying to run this line of code on an inactive animation will return an error.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by SpellbreakerTuesday, 03. March 2015, 23:28 10 years ago
    Thanks for the Info, that Issue seems to be solved. Now another Problem I have is that my Character cannot walk around an Animation, since the button to set the center in the Animation editor is not active...So the Animation is always "on top" of my Character, no matter where he walks.

    Any hint?


    5 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. March 2015, 00:29 10 years ago
    The animation center is not set in scene objects or animations linked to scene objects. The object center is defined in the properties tab of each object.

    Quick note: the order of your scene objects is important. They must be ordered correctly based on their object center values. If they are in the incorrect order, then you might end up with some strange side effects. To automatically order your scene objects: press the double yellow arrow icon on the scenes toolbar.

    Extra note: you can only define object center (z-index) values for playable scenes. Menu scenes rely on the order of the objects instead to determine the layer order of sprites & animations.

    Hopefully this helped a little bit?


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by SpellbreakerWednesday, 04. March 2015, 09:37 10 years ago
    Thank you very much, that helped smile Since I used another Engine before, the behavior is slightly different here smile

    Thanks a lot.


    5 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. March 2015, 16:08 10 years ago
    You do make a valid point for setting center (z-index) value on object sprites & animations themselves instead of scenes. That way you would be able to move the object / animation around the scene while maintaining the spot which determines what should be in front of or behind said object / animation.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by SpellbreakerWednesday, 04. March 2015, 22:48 10 years ago
    Yeah thats the way I used to do such stuff on the other Engine. It makes things a bit easier. Also it would be nice that when I Place an Image and add an Animation, the Animation should have the same XY Coordinates than the Image, instead of 0,0 . On Big scenes you have to zoom out, move the object and then zoom in again to do pixel precise placement. Also a simple Inputfield for X and Y Coordinates would solve that problem instead of moving the thing around.

    Usually you have a Image containing all the objects as reference, then you could simply copy the X/Y Coordinates of an object from Photoshop for example instead of moving it around by Mouse.

    ( Actually I do that manipulating the VED File directly, but an Inputfield in the Editor would be much more comfortable )


    5 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. March 2015, 23:26 10 years ago
    I believe a text / number input field will be added eventually. The upcoming release has a new input field for offsetting animation frames which is useful.

    Image & animation positions are always based on the top left pixel of the active sprite. & yes it would be nice if it could add new images animations into the current viewport instead of at 0,0 on the background, but having said that, it's done for a reason as you can use Lua script & action parts to reposition animations around the screen easily enough.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by AlexWednesday, 04. March 2015, 23:26 10 years ago
    when you place an animation you can directly enter the position in the preview tab at the bottom.

    If you do not want to use the order of the animation object then check "Position of animation changes vertically" in the animation properties.

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. March 2015, 23:30 10 years ago
    I believe a text / number input field will be added eventually. The upcoming release has a new input field for offsetting animation frames which is useful.

    Image & animation positions are always based on the top left pixel of the active sprite. & yes it would be nice if it could add new images animations into the current viewport instead of at 0,0 on the background, but having said that, it's done for a reason as you can use Lua script & action parts to reposition animations around the screen easily enough.


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. March 2015, 23:31 10 years ago
    I believe a text / number input field will be added eventually. The upcoming release has a new input field for offsetting animation frames which is useful.

    Image & animation positions are always based on the top left pixel of the active sprite. & yes it would be nice if it could add new images animations into the current viewport instead of at 0,0 on the background, but having said that, it's done for a reason as you can use Lua script & action parts to reposition animations around the screen easily enough.


    7285 Posts