Animation kommt zu spät

  • #1, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 01:05 12 years ago
    ich habe ein weiteres problem: ich möchte eine animation abspielen und dann direkt danach die nächste, die recht groß ist und aus 15 frames besteht. wenn ich mir das dann angucke, kommt erst die erste animation, dann bleibt das bild für ein, zwei sekunden stehen, dann kommt erst die zweite animation. ich habe "animation vorladen" ausprobiert, aber dann fehlt die anmimation plötzlich.
    LG mike

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    128 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 11. March 2013, 01:16 12 years ago
    it's best to preload animation at beginning of scene wink

    you could also split the second animation into smaller chunk animations - say 3-5 frames in each & use the same "called by other action" with if else query of something like:

    if x value = 0
     play animation b 
     set x value to 1
     if x value = 1
      play animation c
      set x value to 2
      if x value = 2
       play animation d
       set x value to 3
      end if
     end if
    end if


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:32 12 years ago
    when i preload the animation at the beginning of the scene it doesn't appear. what do i have to do / what's wrong?

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  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:48 12 years ago
    have you set the default animation in the object properties?

    (note: even when you preload the animation - if it's not set as a default animation to an object then you need to use the play animation action part to be able to see it)

    From what I've gathered from documentation is that preload loads animations (up to x mb in a cache) so that once loaded (until you unload them) you can go from one scene & back without having to reload the animations. (I could be wrong - not had to use it myself yet)


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:53 12 years ago
    it's an outfit animation.
    i used "preload animation" and then when i use "play animation" nothing happens. when i put the option "preload" negative the animations is coming but it's freezing for a second.

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