Animation in Startmenu? (Solved)

  • #1, by elecWednesday, 17. May 2017, 23:40 8 years ago
    Hello there!
    So i tried to implement a little Animation in the Starting Menu to polish it, somehow it doesnt show up?
    I made an Object and implemented the Animation, then i set the standardanimation to it. The Animation should be played an infinite amount. it just not possible to implement an animation in menus?

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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 17. May 2017, 23:53 8 years ago
    Hello there!
    So i tried to implement a little Animation in the Starting Menu to polish it, somehow it doesnt show up?
    I made an Object and implemented the Animation, then i set the standardanimation to it. The Animation should be played an infinite amount. it just not possible to implement an animation in menus?
    Yes animations are possible. Are you sure you assigned the animation in the properties tab of the scene object, updated the delay time from the default 20ms & ticked the infinite loop option thing?


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianWednesday, 17. May 2017, 23:54 8 years ago
    hey =)

    Could you try to set the standard animation for the object first to empty, save and then reapply the animation in the objects properties? I experienced in 4.2 that it sometimes doesn't get applied correctly.


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  • #4, by elecThursday, 18. May 2017, 07:56 8 years ago
    Okay, now it works.
    I ticked also "random repeat pause" and that seems to have caused the problem.
    I un-ticked it and it works.

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  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 18. May 2017, 12:42 8 years ago
    Okay, now it works.
    I ticked also "random repeat pause" and that seems to have caused the problem.
    I un-ticked it and it works.
    random repeat pause loads once every random time between 5 & 20 seconds or so, plays once, then unloads - repeat. It's good for things like birds flying across the screen or a leaf falling from a tree & stuff like that.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by elecThursday, 18. May 2017, 20:42 8 years ago
    Ok, just to finish it:
    I used the random repeat pause again, because i really like the idea, however i dont want the last picture to fully disappear, so i made an object with the image of the last (and first) frame of the animation, now it works perfectly as i wanted. Just gotta look out that the animation is above the Picture in the object list, if anyone struggles with that too wink

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