Is it possibile to incorporate a menu inside an interface class? I'd like to be able to toogle the save/load menu ingame... In this way I'have a load/menu running while the game is still running, but I wouldn't have any problem with running stuff, the player would just see what's happening behind the little load/save menu on top of the begin of scene actions will always execute whenever you load the scene. you need to use if query actions parts to wrap action parts in said at begin of scene action blocks.let's say you want to play a cutscene the very first time the scene is loaded. to do that you should create a condition (or value if multiple cutscenes can be executed in the same scene depending on stage of the game the player has reached), you should name it something along the lines of intro_played, then create an if condition action part at the top of the at begin of scene action block & query if intro_played condition is false. Now add the action parts that you want to execute if the intro hasn't been played, now change the condition to true, then add an end if action part at the end to close off the if query.
I found a trick. Assigned esc button to toogle an interface object to save/load menu. Now esc-toolge won't work during animations... So resuming won't mess up the begin of scene actions will always execute whenever you load the scene. you need to use if query actions parts to wrap action parts in said at begin of scene action blocks.let's say you want to play a cutscene the very first time the scene is loaded. to do that you should create a condition (or value if multiple cutscenes can be executed in the same scene depending on stage of the game the player has reached), you should name it something along the lines of intro_played, then create an if condition action part at the top of the at begin of scene action block & query if intro_played condition is false. Now add the action parts that you want to execute if the intro hasn't been played, now change the condition to true, then add an end if action part at the end to close off the if query.
at begin of scene actions will always execute whenever you load the scene. you need to use if query actions parts to wrap action parts in said at begin of scene action blocks.let's say you want to play a cutscene the very first time the scene is loaded. to do that you should create a condition (or value if multiple cutscenes can be executed in the same scene depending on stage of the game the player has reached), you should name it something along the lines of intro_played, then create an if condition action part at the top of the at begin of scene action block & query if intro_played condition is false. Now add the action parts that you want to execute if the intro hasn't been played, now change the condition to true, then add an end if action part at the end to close off the if query.
I understand, I've found a way that works more or less. I still need to master the Lua super powers. Not having a programming background in these modern age sucksonly if you build your own custom save menu using autosaves instead of the regular save system, but that would require a decent amount of Lua script knowledge to be able to make something that looks & works exactly how you want.