Animation behind the background image

  • #1, by kristian_roThursday, 09. January 2020, 21:33 5 years ago
    Hi guys!
    Is it possible to place an animation behind the background? Let's say you use a PNG file as a background with a transparent area



    16 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 09. January 2020, 21:48 5 years ago
    No. Create the background as a scene object instead. link the background image sprite to that. create a transparent image that is the same width/height as the scene background image & assign that as the scene background.

    & now because you created the background image as a scene object you can place a scene object below it with an animation linked to it & it will get drawn above or below the background depending on the order of the objects in the scene objects list.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by kristian_roSunday, 19. January 2020, 21:17 5 years ago
    That did the trick,
    thanks smile


    16 Posts