Android libcurl not working

  • #1, by darren-beckettWednesday, 14. June 2017, 10:30 7 years ago
    Libcurl does not work on android

    curl == nil

    No errors in the log, curl does not get set.

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    384 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSMonday, 19. June 2017, 12:18 7 years ago
    I had removed the last version of libcurl because Google was rejecting the it as it was compiled with a faulty openssl. I recompiled it, it's back in the next version.

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  • #3, by sebastianMonday, 19. June 2017, 12:56 7 years ago
    nice news smile 

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  • #4, by darren-beckettMonday, 19. June 2017, 13:25 7 years ago
    Thanks Simon.

    When you say next version, does this mean it will redownload the android build? or do you mean the final version of vs5 ?

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  • #5, by SimonSMonday, 19. June 2017, 13:58 7 years ago
    I won't set V5 to final yet, but RC1 comes within the next days, and with it there will be a new android build.

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  • #6, by darren-beckettMonday, 19. June 2017, 14:05 7 years ago
    Great news all round

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