You added what I wrote into an execute a script action part? If you are using 4.1 then it should work. The 3.7.1 getObject method would look like this...
game:setValue(VGameAlwaysAllowSkipText, false)
It works fine for me. Try testing this out...
1. have always skip text enabled in the game tab.
2. run game > check if it allows you to skip during cut-scene or after hiding cursor.
3. now press "tab" key on you keyboard to open console.
4. type...
exec game.AlwaysAllowSkipText = false
5. press enter (it should say something like success blah blah blah.
6. press "tab" again to close the console.
7. now check again & see if you can skip text during cut-scene or after hiding cursor.
If it's not working, then it could be a bug with the current public build. It's working ok in the team build (1179) that I am currently using.