You could use the same interface, I suppose. If it's just the icons then you could just apply a condition to them, which you could set on game launch based on os platform using the getProperty() Lua function. know it only says win & mac are the currently supported platform values, but I'm sure that ios & android are also supported. (One of the VS devs will have to confirm this).
1. create 4 conditions somewhere & name them: win, mac, ios, android. Set them all to false.
2. assign the conditions to the buttons you only want to be available for each platform. You could actually create additional conditions which you can link 2 conditions to with the option to define them as AND or OR query conditions.
3. add an execute a script action part to the game launch actions in the game tab & add the line of code below into it. This will return the platform name, which will then set one of the conditions you created above to true.
Conditions[ getProperty("platform") ].ConditionValue = true
4. good luck!