AGS vs Visionaire [scenes]

  • #1, by gabartsThursday, 25. May 2017, 14:07 8 years ago
    I'd like to know how scenes work in terms of loading actions/conditions:

    In AGS there were "before room load" and "after fading in" and "first time room loaded", so all the conditions or particular animations were loaded before and then something happens after fading in.

    In Visionaire there is "at the beginning" and "at the end" but where to put all the things like for example adding items to character and some conditions I want to happen only the first time the character enters the room? 

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  • #2, by sebastianThursday, 25. May 2017, 15:10 8 years ago
    just put your stuff inside the "at the beginning" action and wrap a condition check around it so that it only happens once. 

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  • #3, by gabartsThursday, 25. May 2017, 15:21 8 years ago
    Ok, so that's what I wanted to know, basically all the stuff goes into "at the beginning" of a scene. Thanks

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