Adjusting walking speed / Laufgeschwindigkeit verändern VS 4

  • #1, by Marian77Sunday, 27. April 2014, 09:21 11 years ago
    ich habe Probleme bei der Bedienung der Funktion "set charakter movement for walk animation". Momentan macht Jacob zu viele Schritte für die zurückgelegte Strecke. Wenn ich das icon mit dem beiden Fußabdrücken auswähle, kann ich die Punkte für die einzelnen Frames auswählen, allerdings scheinen sich die Punkte ziemlich willkürlich zu verschieben. Ich würde am liebsten die gesamte Strecke einfach verlängern und den Abstand zwischen den Punkten somit gleichmäßig vergrößern. Geht das irgendwie?

    I have a problems using the "set charakter movement for walk animation". At present Jacob makes too many steps for the covered distance. When I chose the icon showing to footprints, I can chose points for the single frames, but the points seem to be moving about the place pretty chaotic. I would be happy if I just could make the distance between the first and last point longer while remaining equal distances between all the points between first and last point. How can I do that?

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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 27. April 2014, 15:10 11 years ago
    go into outfit properties & set the walk speed. Then adjust the global pause value for each walk animation then click on the footprint icon & click on the red X button to automatically calculate the walk distance for each frame. Ideally it is better to use the text input on the right (when footprint icon is active) to manually control each frame individually. This way you will be able to make a realistic looking ground to contact walk cycle instead of one where the character floats across the screen. Of course you need to untick the slide option in the outfit properties beforehand to make it so the character position is updated on each frame as opposed to sliding between frames like the old system pre 4.0.

    check out this wiki article about the characters tab... the first screenshot in particular.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by Marian77Monday, 28. April 2014, 15:46 11 years ago
    Cool! Have not found those adjustments until now, but they look helpful. I will try playing around with the tonight.
    Is there a way of resetting the points I messed up with "set charakter movement for walk animation"? My charakter now kind of has a weird and wild teleporting motion when moving over the scene, and I don't feel like placing all the charakter movement points correctly again.

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  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 28. April 2014, 16:03 11 years ago
    just edit the frame that is causing the issue (well technically you adjust the frame before) if you enable onion effect & set the frame after the one you are editing then you will be able to see the amount of movement it will make.


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