Add GameInterfaceClasses

  • #1, by ChimonoWednesday, 02. April 2014, 02:57 11 years ago
    Hey everybody!

    I need more interface categories. But I cant find any option to add one. I can right click on GameInterfaceClasses in the explorer to "add 'interface categorie'" but nothing happen.

    best regards

    Hallo alle!

    Ich benötige mehr Kategorien für das Interface. Nur ich kann leider keine neuen hinzufügen. Ich kann im Explorer auf GameInterfaceClasses einen Rechtsklick machen, um eine neue Interfacekategorie hinzu zufügen; nur leider passiert nichts.

    Viele Grüße


    8 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 02. April 2014, 03:22 11 years ago
    you can also add them by opening up the .ved file in a text editor like notepad++, sublime text etc & manually type in the new interfaces... make sure you create a backup of your .ved first though.

    I wrote a mini guide on adding them ages ago... it seems that I hosted the image files on my old website though - doubt I still have them anywhere, but here was the thread:

    -- * --

    in the explorer tool what happens when you right click on eInterfaces? for me it brings up the option create 'interface' & then adds a new interface inside of eInterfaces tree. If it's not working then maybe it's a bug in the current release? I'm on a slightly newer build than what has been shared to the public.


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeWednesday, 02. April 2014, 03:30 11 years ago
    ahh... wait. yeah no trying to add to the interface classes section seems to make it jump/select option class instead. I know it worked in 3.7.1 & I think it worked in 3.8 dev builds...

    You'll just have to try & add the new classes manually for now by editing the .ved with a text editor. just search for <InterfaceClasses, it will be the only search result.


    7286 Posts

  • #4, by ChimonoWednesday, 02. April 2014, 04:00 11 years ago
    Wow did not know, that I can edit the .ved file. Thats great wink

    It works! Thank you alot - again smile


    8 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 02. April 2014, 11:52 11 years ago
    Wow did not know, that I can edit the .ved file. Thats great wink

    It works! Thank you alot - again smile

    no problem... just make sure you create a backup copy of your .ved before manually editing the file. wink


    7286 Posts