Action to turn particle system on and off?

  • #1, by chrisgMonday, 06. April 2020, 03:39 4 years ago
    Is there a way to turn a particle system on and off at particular times for a scene? Or by using an object and condition?

    I've gotten a particle system working fine and can set it to the scene in the scene settings, but it's permanently on. 

    I've checked through all the actions to try and find a way to start/stop or show/hide a particle system. 

    I've looked in the data structure in the wiki and can see reference to ObjectParticleSystem ( which implies a particle system can be added per object ... but i can't find a way in the interface to add a particle system to an object? I looked under the 'effects' tab but nothing there. 

    This is in 5.1.0 full version.

    Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated! Thanks.


    16 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaMonday, 06. April 2020, 08:49 4 years ago
    I think the easiest way would be to link the particle system to an object (via the new components tab if you are using the newest version of Visionaire, or in the objects properties (effects tab) if you are using an older version)
    And then turn the object on and off (active/inactive) with a condition or value that is linked to this object.

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #3, by chrisgMonday, 06. April 2020, 09:52 4 years ago
    Thankyou! I actually stumbled on the components tab after reading this forum post just now.

    I hadn't seen that before - but it was simple from there to add a component, and browse the list to find the particle system i had already set up. I already had an object in the scene with a condition applied so it just worked once i figured out that part. Looking great now!



    16 Posts

  • #4, by george-stobbartSaturday, 09. May 2020, 13:50 4 years ago

    Hey Chris!

    The guy with the "video-on-object" post was me! I stumbled on your post as well, a few minutes ago! Are you developing a game as well currently? Would be nice to have some talk.

    Best regards,



    18 Posts

  • #5, by chrisgSunday, 10. May 2020, 03:30 4 years ago
    Hi Tom,

    Yes I'm a couple months in to building my game and learning Visionaire as I go - I think I've figured out most of the major things I need to do what I want now but there's always new things here and there. Would be happy to chat more!




    16 Posts

  • #6, by george-stobbartSunday, 10. May 2020, 14:56 4 years ago

    Hi Chris,

    since there is no possibility to send you a private message, you can contact send me a email to:

    Would be nice to hear from you and also the content, you're working on!

     Have a nice day,



    18 Posts