Action text displaced

  • #1, by elecTuesday, 20. December 2016, 19:53 8 years ago
    Hey there!

    so i got this Problem, i named the objects of the scene, but the text shows waaaaay right of the cursor for some reason, can someone help please? " border="0" alt="" />

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  • #2, by sebastianTuesday, 20. December 2016, 20:48 8 years ago
    Could be some weird cursor configuration or a too wide graphic with whitespace next to it...
    Or the font settings has issues..

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  • #3, by a-s-jTuesday, 20. December 2016, 21:30 8 years ago
    I guess the problem is the Objekt. Maybe there is too much background space. How does it looks like by another Objekt with less background space?

    (Had the same problem)


    21 Posts

  • #4, by elecTuesday, 20. December 2016, 21:36 8 years ago
    Sebastian was right! Thank you very much! I forgot to adjust the graphic, now everythings fine!

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  • #5, by sebastianWednesday, 21. December 2016, 08:16 8 years ago
    yay,  first time this year i was right smile 

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