About to do an online stream of how I make adventure games...

  • #1, by lefooshSunday, 15. December 2013, 19:51 12 years ago
    Hey all,

    Just to say that I'm about to do an online stream of how I use visionaire

    feel free to join in if you are interested!

    Happy to ask questions or debate features!

    The ‘event’ itself can be found here starting at 7pm GMT:https://plus.google.com/events/cmpnjilcc3v8a145afv0ah2v15o

    I’ll set up a facebook feed on the Jason page here:https://www.facebook.com/jasonthegreekgame (204 likes, whoop!)



    77 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 15. December 2013, 22:10 12 years ago
    cheers for the live video session!
    sorry wasn't very active... (practically non-existent)

    I was busy, so I had you talking in background while I worked myself & just kept popping in every so often to see what you was up to in the video.

    Seeing as you aren't bothered about recording your voice & doing videos... maybe you wouldn't mind making some tutorial videos (when you have some free time of course) to upload to youtube? We only have the 3 or 4 videos that Suro made a couple years back & a few more certainly wouldn't hurt & might get a few more people interested in using/giving Visionaire Studio a go. smile


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by lefooshMonday, 16. December 2013, 11:41 12 years ago
    hey hey - don't you worry, would be happy to although if you actually WATCH the video? Are you sure I would actually help anyone?!

    Think soon as Visionaire goes multi platform it will be a much bigger success...

    Happy to redeem myself on the how to vids, though, will let you know soon as they're online!


    77 Posts

  • #4, by nabeelaejazMonday, 16. December 2013, 13:38 12 years ago
    Thanks for the video. Learned quite a bit.


    18 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeMonday, 16. December 2013, 13:53 12 years ago
    Yeah mate, I'm sure you would do fine as you wouldn't have the pressure that comes with live streaming & having to keep track of comments & other interruptions...

    when making tutorial videos - if you make a mistake then you can always record that part again & cut & splice etc wink

    live streams, whether video or music often tend to come with gremlins - server breaks, coonection gets interrupted, some software or hardware issue or the person messes up - happens all the time on a radio show some of my producer friends host.


    7286 Posts