A'llo Chriss.
1. I don't understand what you are asking...
2. You can actually add actions & link sounds etc to each individual animation frame. Just select a frame & then hit edit button/icon to open up the edit animation frame window. This allows you to set a sound for the frame, add actions to it, or replace the current frame image, & various other bits & bats.
3. Visionaire Studio actually has a built in hotspot system but for some reason it is called "snoop"... Now what you need to do is create some animations somewhere - inside of interface maybe & then in the effects tab of each scene object you can link an animation to it which will be used for the hotspot animation/image. To enable the hotspot you would create 2 key actions...
a. space: scene > fade "snoop" animations in/out (in obviously over x time in ms)
b. space (released): scene > fade "snoop" animations in/out (out over x time in ms)
4. when exporting/building your game, you can set custom resolution to export game at instead of default resolution & you can also compress graphics too. Both are useful when you are exporting to mobile platforms as you can use something like 1280x720px or 1024x768px to save on memory/hd space etc & they will still look good on the small screens.