640 x 400?

  • #1, by JoelThursday, 17. September 2015, 20:52 10 years ago
    Hi there!

    Really basic questions, but i couldn't find anything in the Forums: Is there a way to get a resolution of 640 x 400 out of Visionaire? At the moment i only see 640 x 480. I do my Backgrounds and Sprites in 320 x 200 and upscale them but i also have character portraits that i would like to get as is into the game. Most 320 x 200 Games are actually upscaled to that size (see Wadjet Eye for example.)

    Thank you!


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    129 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianThursday, 17. September 2015, 20:55 10 years ago
    Use the explorer (ctrl + e / cmd + e) and search for eGame > GameWindowResolution and set them by yourself as you desire smile

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  • #3, by JoelThursday, 17. September 2015, 21:00 10 years ago
    Gee that was easy... Thanks!!

    Love Visionaire! smile

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  • #4, by LebosteinFriday, 18. September 2015, 11:24 10 years ago
    The preselected resolutions in Visionaire are the "classic" resolutions, but less practical for the combination of oldscool look and widescreen displays.

    320 x 180 = 16:9
    320 x 200 = 16:10 ---> in preselection list
    320 x 240 = 4:3 ---> in preselection list

    640 x 360 = 16:9
    640 x 400 = 16:10
    640 x 480 = 4:3 ---> in preselection list

    For example the new classic game of Ron Gilbert (Thimbleweed Park) uses 320 x 180 (upscaled to 640 x 360 I think) because it should fit to the 16:9 widescreen displays...

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