5.2.1 update scrolling problems persist.

  • #1, by fabian-schurgersThursday, 06. August 2020, 19:13 4 years ago
    Does the 5.1.2 update fix the problems with screen scrolling?

    I'm using the 5.1 build and I have various issues, the most important one being that, when I use the 'Scroll scene to object command' the screen starts to shake for a while when arriving at the object.

    On different computers this happens. Sometimes long, sometimes for a short period. I really cannot launch my game with this bug.

    Also, are the 'Set horizontal scroll area' commands fixed? Those don't seem to work as well, and I had to work around it.

    I really hope these things are fixed in the update, as screen scrolling is essential to my game.

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    139 Posts

  • #2, by fabian-schurgersSunday, 09. August 2020, 13:05 4 years ago

    Update: I tried the update and the screen shaking after scrolling to an object persists. Also, the 'Set horizontal scroll area' command now scrolls the screen vertically for some reason.

    I really hope this will be fixed in future updates!


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  • #3, by NigecSunday, 09. August 2020, 13:27 4 years ago
    I think it would be worth joining Discord and adding a small example in the bug report section if possible.
    A/ it be easier to debug
    B/ you might get a workaround or better options 
    Everyone is a lot more chatty there

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  • #4, by SimonSSunday, 09. August 2020, 13:33 4 years ago
    Please send a sample to reproduce it and I'll fix it.

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  • #5, by MachtnixSunday, 09. August 2020, 16:11 4 years ago
    This already began with the first 5 series version. While scrolling the scenery and the movement of the character the picture fidgeted a little bit back and forth or up and down.

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  • #6, by fabian-schurgersSunday, 16. August 2020, 08:34 4 years ago
    Thanks for the replies, guys! I've been on vacaction, so just saw them.

    I'll try to upload a movie to youtube with the problem.

    Still wanting to join the discord too, though I haven't really used that service before.

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  • #7, by fabian-schurgersSunday, 16. August 2020, 09:00 4 years ago
    Here's the video with the problem!

    The first segment shows how the intro of my game is supposed to run, the second segment shows the twitching problem.

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  • #8, by SimonSSunday, 16. August 2020, 09:02 4 years ago
    Can you send a build or something like that (via pm or discord pm) so I can reproduce that ?

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  • #9, by fabian-schurgersSunday, 16. August 2020, 10:50 4 years ago
    Will do, I've got to do some things, but I'll get it to you today!

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