5.1.1 Update released

  • #1, by SimonSFriday, 19. June 2020, 22:23 4 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    here comes the next update:

    - now everything is 64bit in Windows, dropping XP support
    - iOS export is now working, it creates a xcode-project

    - interaction ordering issues
    - interaction: characters were always in front
    - issues with turning character on interaction
    - scroll up/down button acts like object
    - check if files in tmp are older and overwrite
    - cannot sort comment entries
    - sprite used instead of animation for item drag
    - autocomplete misplaced if scrolled
    - checkbox interaction area too big
    - metal device name accessable via lua
    - linux duplication/copy/paste doesn't change subreferences
    - callback tween is now stoppable by returning false
    - exporting on mac sometimes crashes
    - crash with getParticles if particles not present
    - html5 crash with looping sounds

    - ilios has now static arrays for performance, for changeable arrays use List<>
    - ilios has now a real jit compiler, currently only Mac, Linux and Windows are supported

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #2, by darren-beckettFriday, 19. June 2020, 22:29 4 years ago
    Nice one

    Great Poster

    384 Posts

  • #3, by joemidFriday, 19. June 2020, 22:43 4 years ago
    Awesome!  Thank you!


    87 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 20. June 2020, 01:02 4 years ago
    Cheers. smile


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by MachtnixSaturday, 20. June 2020, 02:23 4 years ago
    Kann ich dieselbe CSS von 5.0.5 verwenden, um die Schriften größer und heller zu machen? Der Text ist zu grau und nicht lesbar.

    Can I use CSS from 5.0.5 to change the font again?

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #6, by MachtnixSaturday, 20. June 2020, 02:42 4 years ago
    If I have a lot of actions the listing below is only useful while shrinking the scene to thumnail.

    But all my games which were created in 4.2.5 don't work well in 5.0.5 and 5.1.1, so I stay in 4.2.5. 
    I don't know why - I tested it years ago on 5 RC, but I can't find the reason. I think some reasons are too big pictures or command hierarchy.

    We talked about: since 5.0 RC XP didn't work. I think nearly anybody used a 64bit version of XP... wink

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #7, by woogySaturday, 20. June 2020, 14:53 4 years ago
    Vielen Dank!
    Thanks a lot!


    17 Posts

  • #8, by kapa-raaveSaturday, 20. June 2020, 17:27 4 years ago
    Awesome! Thank you!


    17 Posts

  • #9, by MateuszTuesday, 23. June 2020, 22:12 4 years ago
    Just installed, didn't really have mych time to play with it but one thing that I've noticed immadietly (I've ugraded from 5.08) - particles are now animated in scene editor.  Is there an option to turn it off?


    59 Posts

  • #10, by MachtnixTuesday, 23. June 2020, 23:46 4 years ago
    Because of this swscale-3.dll thing games aren't possible. I will wait.

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #11, by bobby23Wednesday, 24. June 2020, 09:55 4 years ago
    Because of this swscale-3.dll thing games aren't possible. I will wait.
    Having same issue.
    The WEBP coversion is crashing the builder and if I build without it then I get this error when running the game

    Great Poster

    265 Posts