5.1.0 Issue

  • #1, by chronologicSaturday, 11. April 2020, 12:49 4 years ago
    Hi, Before upgrading to 5.1.0 I had a looping animation which I was controlling within a scene. i.e. The following code is being called in each frame to gradually enlarge, move and slow down the animation.
    Objects["WagonObject"].ObjectScale = Objects["WagonObject"].ObjectScale + .002
    Objects["WagonObject"].Offset = {x=Objects["WagonObject"].Offset.x-6* Objects["WagonObject"].ObjectScale, y=Objects["WagonObject"].Offset.y+2* Objects["WagonObject"].ObjectScale}
    Animations["WagonAnimation"].AnimationPause = Animations["WagonAnimation"].AnimationPause + .1 * Objects["WagonObject"].ObjectScale

    This was working as intended in the previous version, but now seems to have issues with the offset, and also the starting point of the animation has now shifted to where it was being positioned before?

    Could you please offer any suggestions.



    25 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSFriday, 17. April 2020, 08:53 4 years ago
    The animations seem to be miscalculated currently. Will be patched soon.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #3, by chronologicFriday, 17. April 2020, 09:43 4 years ago
    Great thanks :-)


    25 Posts