3D Characters cause lag

  • #1, by HernaldFriday, 29. August 2014, 03:33 10 years ago
    When I introduce a 3D character into a scene the cursor lag makes the game unplayable.
    I am working on a PC with Vista and have an Nvidia GeForce 9200 graphics card.
    I couldn’t install Visual Studio 12 on my PC because that doesn’t appear to work with Vista.
    Visionaire 4 wouldn’t start at all for me but 4.01 seems to work fine except for the 3D element.
    Is this something that will be addressed in a coming build, do I have to change my PC or might I be missing something that I could do to solve this problem?
    Let me know if you need more details.
    Thanks in advance.


    2 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSFriday, 29. August 2014, 12:52 10 years ago
    Sorry, but a GeForce 9200 is not nearly enough to that what you would need, the 3d characters are very heavy on the gpu, you can try to reduce your poly count, switch off shadows and such.

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  • #3, by HernaldFriday, 29. August 2014, 20:51 10 years ago
    Thanks for the reply Simon; it is a pretty old card so I'm not surprised. I've tried using an eight vertex cube as a character with minimal graphic effects and the problem is just as bad. I was hoping than because my PC can just about handle Blender it might be okay with Visionaire 4. It looks like it's back to AGS for me; at least for the time being.


    2 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSSaturday, 30. August 2014, 00:08 10 years ago
    For Visionaire it's okay as I think, because the 9200 is at a quarter of the HD4000, that can even display the shader effects I made shortly ago at real time. So if you are using only 2d stuff, there won't be any problem.

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