Hello I have a new problem.
1-I have a button on the interface this button enables a power , I put this script to lock it to the frame 1. "GetObject (" ActiveAnimations [Power] "): setValue (VAnimationLastFrame, 1)". Power is the name of the animation.
and this script work,
This button has 3 frames, the first frame when the power is turned off (not active o usable), the second when it is activated and usable, and the third when the mouse enters the area. When the mouse left the status return in second frame (active e usable).
At begin the status button is in frame 1 (not active).
The button is enabled when you read a letter. I wish that after reading the letter the button go to the frame 2 and when the mouse enter in button area go to frame 3 and back to 2 when the mouse leaves the button area,
Once used the power instead return to frame off (frame 1) ..
how can I do? Thanks for the great help you have given me so far.