[solved]Scale resolution on Imac 5K ?

  • #1, by wimfThursday, 17. May 2018, 13:59 6 years ago

    I have one tester who plays a beta version of my game in Imac 5K with 5 120 x 2 880 pixels resolution.

    VS5 have max 1920x1080 and the game is strange on 5k...

    Do you know how to the game run in full screen (auto scaling)?

    Thank you

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  • #2, by sebastianThursday, 17. May 2018, 17:10 6 years ago
    look here under Opening apps in Low Resolution mode:

    the option for low resolution applications got renamed lately, so maybe its not called like that anymore. But you should find an option in the .app information fot it. 

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  • #3, by SimonSThursday, 17. May 2018, 17:56 6 years ago
    This is currently a bug, that will be fixed with the next update.

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  • #4, by wimfThursday, 17. May 2018, 18:23 6 years ago
    Thank you sebastian.  It's not working. my tester have been tested this , but under High Sierra, this option is not available for app only. Here is a answer of my tester :

    "This is not available for the application only (this option is not present in the right click menu / Ctrl click nor in the parameter space available from this space), but available only on the whole system, in the settings of the OS. And the problem is the same, because here the problem is not retina (as on a Mac Book) but the screen resolution in 5K retina is not here really the problem."

    I see answer of Simon smile . Ok , i wait a new update for fix that, thank you both sebastien and Simons.

    PS : Do you have an idea when the update will be available?


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  • #5, by wimfFriday, 01. June 2018, 10:34 6 years ago
    Hi SimonS,

    I am soon ready to market the game but I would like that before, the Mac version work properly. Do you have an idea when the bug for the 5k will be fixed?

    thank you very much

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  • #6, by SimonSFriday, 01. June 2018, 11:01 6 years ago
    I want to do a bugfix update today. We'll see if I get it all done.

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  • #7, by wimfFriday, 01. June 2018, 11:28 6 years ago
    Wow Super ! you are really very professional. thank you

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  • #8, by wimfWednesday, 06. June 2018, 21:07 6 years ago

    Thank you SimonS, since the new update, the problem with Imac is solved.  Very great work !

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