#1, by markus-creativeTuesday, 24. April 2018, 13:29 7 years ago
Hello everybody,
In my game I use a classic interface, meaning on the bottom of the screen there is the command interface with 9 commands e.g. like 'Use', 'Open', 'Close' and 'Look at'. The standard command is 'Walk to', which is common for these type of adventures. This command interface was used in Monkey Island or Thimbleweed Park to name a few.
You have to left click first on one of these commands, so that the wanted command is active, then you have to click on an object to execute the command. So far so good. The only problem I have is, that it is pretty annoying with the 'Look at' command, because it is used that often.
So I want to have 'Look at' also available on right click, meaning, if you right click, the 'Look at' command is executed immediately.
I noticed that in VS 4.2.5. there is a menu called 'Mouse properties' with an editable 'Right mouse button' action. I edited the action part and added 'Set command 'Look at'. The result is, that, if you now right click in the game, the 'Look at' command is set active in the control interface, but not executed. You still have to left click again to have 'Look at' really executed. What I'm missing in the 'Right click action' is the possibility to have an execute command. The only thing I found is an 'execute command on saved object' but I have no clue what that is for.
Does anybody know, how to solve this problem? Any help would be great.