[Solved] How to expand, scroll or zoom the workspace?

  • #1, by DagSunday, 09. November 2014, 06:29 10 years ago
    By default, the dialogue graphics appear on the top of the screen, but I want it to appear at the bottom. I can move around the dialogue graphics using the "place graphics of dialogue area" button, but the workspace is too small and I can't find any arrows or sliders anywhere to navigate around it. Moving the dialogue image to the bottom of the visible workspace, makes it appear approximately on the middle of the screen when I save and run the game. I managed placing the dialogue background and scroll arrow graphics on the bottom screen by typing in their x/y positions, but since that places them out of view, it forces me to save and run to be able to see exactly where they are being placed, and makes it entirely impossible to set the dialogue area (which cannot be set by using coordinates from what I can see). Am I completely blind, or is there really no way to navigate around the workspace? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: The demo game has the dialogue windows appear at the bottom, just like I want them. When I checked the dialogue area tab there, the workspace seemed size relative to the screen (and the demo is set at 1024x768res), which would explain why my workspace was too small, as I was working with the game set to 1920x1080 resolution (thus I've painted all the art in 1920x1080 pixels). Back to my own game, I first tried to change the resolution to 1024x768, but the workspace remained the same, and my dialogue graphics was still trapped out of view. Then I quickly created a new test-game in 1024x768 to check the theory there, and the workspace was indeed size relative to the screen... Back to my game, I tried deleting all the dialogue graphics, then setting the game to 1024x768 resolution, save game, then I scaled the dialogue art in photoshop to fit 1024x768, went back to the game, reloaded scaled dialogue graphics, and whoop! I can fit the dialogue graphics exactly where I want (but now the rest of the art for the game is all messed up proportionally offcourse). Does this really mean that, to have the dialogues appear at the bottom of the scene, I have to begin the game from scratch in 1024x768res (or lower) and redo all my art? I could scale it down to fit 1024x768, but that would cram up the proportions, which is less than ideal. Am I missing something or is there a better solution? This is frustratingly demotivating..


    5 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 09. November 2014, 12:12 10 years ago
    The position/offset input boxes for dialog graphics is in the bottom half of the character > dialog area tab. You may have to further drag the bottom half of the screen up to be able to see it seeing as vs gui is currently not very dynamic so some things end up being hidden on smaller screens.

    Here is the math involved in correctly positioning your dialog box to the bottom of the screen:

    x = (game.resolution.width - dialog.background.width) / 2
    y = game.resolution.height - dialog.background.height

    The position of objects, images, animations etc are always based on the top left pixel position.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by DagSunday, 09. November 2014, 15:26 10 years ago
    I feel really stupid now... I already managed to position the graphics itself where I wanted it using the x/y positions, so finding the position/offset input boxes for dialog graphics wasn't the issue, the problem was that that placed all the dialogue graphics below the visible workspace, which made it "impossible" to set the dialogue area within the dialogue image, even with the Preview tab dragged all the way down. However, I completely missed the ZOOM buttons in the top right corner (I kept looking for sliders) until my eye caught them in your screenshots! :O And that was all I needed - a way to navigate to the graphics that was out of view, in order to be able to set the dialogue area within the graphics!

    I'm terribly sorry to bother you with such noobish questions, but I'm afraid this is only the beginning of a long line of laughable inquiries. I assure you, however, (even though my posts may indicate the contrary) that I do my utmost to find ways around the roadblocks I hit before posting questions here. I'll only make a post when it's gone so far that big patches of skin is attached to the hair I'm pulling out. I only got one hour sleep last night, as I spent all night trying to find a way to fix this dialogue area issue, going back and forth between Glenfx's and Suro's tutorials, searching the forum and Google in its entirety, as well as having a good portion of trial and error-ing within the editor, and it all boils down to not seeing a simple button (and it's not the first time that's happened!)... I really oughta learn to go to bed already, when my brain has fallen asleep long ago..

    Please bear with my senseless inattentiveness (as there's surely more to come), and one day I may reward you with an awesome traditional point&click adventure! razz Thanks again, AFRLme, you're a lifesaver! smile


    5 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 09. November 2014, 16:32 10 years ago
    Quick note: if you are using a mouse that has a middle button/wheel (mouse 3 button) then you can click, hold & drag the preview content view around similar to adobe products which allow you to reposition viewport by selecting hand tool or holding down the space bar while left clicking & dragging.

    Secondary note: I was half asleep when I read your post & it was all grouped together in massive paragraphs making it a bit hard for me to read, so in truth I only skimmed & replied mostly based on the topic title.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by DagSunday, 09. November 2014, 17:56 10 years ago
    Haha, yes, I realized just after posting that the thread title poorly represented what I was actually asking , I'll rename it to something more appropriate. And sorry about those massive paragraphs, I was trying to make an as detailed description as possible, but I'll try to avoid walls of text in the future wink

    That hand-tool function is also very helpful, I didn't know about that either! Thanks!


    5 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 09. November 2014, 18:07 10 years ago
    No problem & most people don't know about it either... actually to be completely honest: I'm writing the documentation & I don't know half of the shortcut keys.

    I would rename the thread again & add "[solved]" to the beginning of it.


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