#6, by juansirlinkSunday, 07. May 2017, 19:41 8 years ago
I think I understand you, guys.
I have to create one variable for each kind of volumen on the main menu with a value between 0 and 100, for example:
volumen_music = 100 (max. vol.)
volumen_sound = 100 (max. vol.)
volumen_speech = 100 (max. vol.)
volumen_video = 100 (max. vol.)
volumen_global = 100 (max. vol.)
And when I want to re-establish the volumes, I have to call this Lua functions:
setVolume(eMusicVolume, Values["volumen_music"].Int)
setVolume(eSoundVolume, Values["volumen_sound"].Int)
setVolume(eSpeechVolume, Values["volumen_speech"].Int)
setVolume(eVideoVolume, Values["volumen_video"].Int)
setVolume(eGlobalVolume, Values["volumen_global"].Int)
Is this okay?
PD. If I want to do the user can modify the volume, I would have to save these values in the ini config, wouldn't it?