#1, by wimfThursday, 01. February 2018, 22:04 7 years ago
I now have more than 50 animations for my character, but I have a lot of difficulties for index animations generated by VS5
I found in the VS Explorer, for example: eCharacters-> mycharacter-> CharacterOutfits-> OutfitTalkAnimations-> cry the AnimationModelAnimIndex line (the value of Integer is -1)
If for all my animations, I change this value (1, 2, 3, ...), and then, in VS I chose "Change character animation index", and that I set the index of the animation that I want will it work?
Otherwise, how easily managed the index of animations, because in automatic, I have the impression that VS5 puts random values sometimes ...
My English is bad, I hope you understand my question.
Thank you for your help