[PARTICLES] How to make a continuos emission?

  • #1, by JoelSunday, 09. July 2017, 15:40 8 years ago
    Hi there!

    Well, i just switched over to Visionaire coming from Construct, since it just suits my need better. I'm reworking my Adventure Game "Purgatory" (about which i first posted here like 10 years ago or something) for the engine. I've got a question about particles. I have a crashed car in the opening scene which emits steam. I got it working pretty well but have noticed that the system sprays a big burst of particles after a certain time. Is there a way to have an even emission?

    Also, can someone maybe give me a quick explanation, what the red and green lines actually do? grin I noticed i can add points to the red ones but not to the green ones.

    Thanks a ton! I'm hoping to open a thread about the game here soon to show off some of the stuff i've done so far wink



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  • #2, by SimonSMonday, 10. July 2017, 12:28 8 years ago
    The particle system has a limit setting, you have two options, increase the limit (Maximum) or decrease the emission count.

    Red and green are maximum and minimum, in the emission tab it's over the time of the emitter (Emitter Duration). In the particle tab it's over the life of one particle. You need click on the green line and then drag.

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  • #3, by SimonSMonday, 10. July 2017, 12:36 8 years ago
    And some images.

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  • #4, by JoelMonday, 10. July 2017, 17:29 8 years ago
    Awesome, thanks Simon wink

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