[Off-Topic] MediaWiki

  • #1, by GreenLightDevelopmentWednesday, 21. May 2014, 11:06 11 years ago
    Ich arbeite nebenbei noch an einer kleinen Wiki und stecke gerade fest. Folgendes Problem:
    Wir wollten einen WYSIWYG-Editor implementieren, leider wurden wir nicht fündig. Grund hierfür ist, das keiner der WYSIWYG-Editoren eine Option bietet, um Text zu färben.

    Meine Frage ist nun:
    1) Kennt jemand einen funktionierenden WYSIWYG-Editor, der mit der aktuellen Version von MediaWiki funktioniert und diese Funktion bietet?
    2) Gibt es eine "Easy2Use"-Idee/Funktion, um dies evtl. mit einem Template zu realisieren? Ich hab' zwar schon einige Tests mit Templates versucht, leider ohne Erfolg :-(

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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 21. May 2014, 12:48 11 years ago
    I use text

    you can also set up css classes inside of the common.css file.

    I found the wiki strange to work with at first too.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by GreenLightDevelopmentWednesday, 21. May 2014, 12:54 11 years ago
    I know that "code", hehe. But we have users, thats not into thouse kinda "codes" ;-)
    Thats why im looking for a other option, to realize it, like a WYSIWYG-Editor, or a simplified way, with a template, like {{RED|Text}} or {{BLUE|Text}} or {{GREEN|Text}}. Could manage yet, to make a proper template...

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  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 21. May 2014, 13:01 11 years ago
    I'm not sure that there is? You would have thought they might have included it in one of the wysiwyg text editors no!


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by GreenLightDevelopmentWednesday, 21. May 2014, 13:13 11 years ago
    well, there are WYSIWYG-Editor, that incl. that. BUT thouse are standalones and not implemental into a existing MediaWiki. Its pretty annoying, for "general/common use" of a wiki, to have implemented by default such 'simple' feature... I want to have my newcomers on my wiki, to force their work on the content of the article, not to learn the 'code' ;-)

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  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 21. May 2014, 13:39 11 years ago
    mods/plug-ins aren't that hard to install. Add them to the relevant folder & then add the block of code it tells you to add to the main config file (I've forgotten the name of it now) - we use a plugin wysiwyg text editor on vs wiki but it doesn't have color options. It has font sizes, bold, italic, underline etc & a section containing special characters & a few other bits & bats.

    I'm not sure which plug-in it was though as David (bigstans) installed it.


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  • #7, by GreenLightDevelopmentWednesday, 21. May 2014, 13:45 11 years ago
    Well, cant see your Editor, since im not allow'd to edit or register ;-)... So, no idea :-P

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  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 21. May 2014, 13:54 11 years ago
    Yeah I know... I killed registration & editing privileges. I didn't want anyone that wasn't registered to mess up my pages.


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  • #9, by GreenLightDevelopmentWednesday, 21. May 2014, 14:02 11 years ago
    Yeah, i have that one also installed (before i noticed, there is no 'textcolor', hrhr). Im seriously wondering, why its not implemented...

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  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 21. May 2014, 14:09 11 years ago
    no clue at all... it took me ages to get used to the wiki codes. I was creating divs & span with css styles at first for everything until I got used to the wiki markup. I still use some of the old css classes I setup though. I only needed a few colors anyway so the color thing wasn't a big deal to me really as I only use black, green & red.

    black for normal text & green & red to signify keywords or for positive/negative words like true or false.


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  • #11, by BigStansThursday, 22. May 2014, 01:49 11 years ago
    Also der Rich-Text editor ist in der aktuellen Mediawiki version dabei.
    Die einzige Datei, die Du modifizieren musst ist die LocalSettings.php
    Da kannst dann auch Template hooks aufrufen.


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